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5月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Ricky and the American Girl

Ricky watched her walking away down the road. He was still standing under the streetlight when she looked back and gave a little wave. Ricky waved back. And then she was gone. ‘Oh, no!’ sighed Ricky. ‘I didn’t ask her name!’  I read Ricky and the American Girl, level 3 book in the HELBLING READERS FICTION.  Ricky is a bit of a school, especially he is good at maths and science. And he always thinks about only them. One day he meets Alexis, a beautiful American girl who visits his town. From the day, his world change completely and he begins to think about only her. He falls in love... and he try to find her, talk to her, and date with her. Does his love bear fruit...?  I thought that Alexis has a bad personality and in the end, he made a good decision. Level 3: Ricky and the American Girl (The Westbourne 著者 : Martyn Hobbs ABAX 発売日 : 2007-05-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

I Spy

 Today I read "I Spy" in the FOUNDATIONS READING LIBRARY.  Edgar is a spy in the USA and he starts a new job to give secret plans to a woman who is a another country's spy. He hasn't met her, but she tells him about her. She has long black hair and is wearing a green sweater, blue jeans and a gray hat. At the bus stop, he finds the woman so gets on the bus. However, he is at wrong bus stop and the woman isn't a spy! Accidentally, a woman wears same clothes as the woman spy. What will he do?! I Spy (Foundations Reading Library: Level 4) 著者 : Rob Waring Heinle & Heinle Pub 発売日 : 2006-01-05 ブクログでレビューを見る»

Sarah's Surprise

Sarah looks at the man. She is very surprised, but she says nothing. "What do I do?" she thinks.  I read Sarah's Surprise in the FOUNDATIONS READING LIBRARY.  Sarah began to work at a cafe. The first day, the cafe's owner Mrs. Hayes taught her about works. While Mrs. Hayes went shopping, a man came to the cafe and he took some sandwiches and an apple without giving any money. So she was very surprised and called the police!  I enjoyed this book. I thought he is not bad man, but his behavior is not good. Sarah's Surprise (Foundations Reading Library, Level 1) 著者 : Rob Waring Heinle & Heinle Pub 発売日 : 2006-02-09 ブクログでレビューを見る»