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7月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  "You're the only friend I have Huck," he said with a moan. "But as soon as I get my freedom I'm going to save some money and buy my family out of slavery." I read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and it is very famous story in the world.  Huckleberry Finn is a child of nature and hates to have regular habits. He lives a carefree life, but he has been subjected to violence by his father. So he escapes from his father and goes on an adventure. Then he meets Jim who is a black slave and comes to help him. To help black slaves is a crime so he worries about what he should do. However he decides to help him according to his conscience. After that they meet a lot of people and overcome various difficulty together. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (3.3 Young Reading Series Three (Purple)) 著者 : Rob Lloyd Jones Usborne Publishing Ltd 発売日 : 2015-02-23 ブクログでレビューを見る»

Book Boy

My name is David and this is my room. There are lots of books inthe room.And a cat. his name is Socrates. Why? Because he thinks all day.  David lives in a house with his cat, Socrates. There are  a lot of books in his house and he loves books. He lives on money from his aunt because his parents are dead. One day, he finds a girl, Ella and she lives on the street alone. She looks cold and hungry, so he speaks to her and take her his house. They talks about each other and become good friends. However, one day, Ella suddenly leaves his house. He search for her everywhere.. Book Boy Starter/Beginner (Cambridge English Readers) 著者 : Antoinette Moses Cambridge University Press 発売日 : 2010-04-30 ブクログでレビューを見る»

The Lost Cup

"WE HAVE YOUR PARTNER. GIVE US THE CUP, OR HE WILL DIE."  You are a detective and looking for the lost world cup of soccer. One day, your detective partner, John calls you and he looks  excited because he finds the cup and he say "We're going to Rio de Janeiro!"  In this book, your choice changes the story and the ending. In my choice, someone kidnapped John and I go to a mountain and get the lost cup from Sergio to save his live. But my ending is not happy😖  Please try to get into your role and make happy ending!! 英語 リーダーズ Atama-ii Books The Lost Cup 著者 : James Broadbridge Atama-ii Books 発売日 : 2014 ブクログでレビューを見る»

Little Women

"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled JoMarch, lying on the rug. "I hate being poor," sighed her sister, Meg, looking at her old dress.  I read Little Women in the USBORNE YOUNG READING series.  There are four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.They are poor and wear old and patched clothes. And their father far away at the war. In this story's period, it's wrong to spend more money for fun because men are suffering in the army. The four sisters are close each other but sometimes quarrel. This is the story about their various  experiences and loves.  I found it is called 'Wakakusamonogatari' in Japanese after I read it. I felt four sister were very cute. I haven't read Japanese version, so I want to read it. Little Women (3.3 Young Reading Series Three (Purple)) 著者 : Mary Sebag-Montefiore Usborne Publishing Ltd 発売日 : 2006-07-31 ブクログでレビューを見る»

Big Hair Day

I'm going to be in a film with Fabio Facelli! Yes, me, Sophia Reynolds, with Fabio Facelli! I love Fabio's films. And now I'm going to be in a film with him!  Sophia Reynolds wants to be in a film with Fabio Facelli and her dreams is going to come true, but the day starts badly. She lost her map and her bag so she goes to a police station. She meets Mr Sit Down, a police officer who has very beautiful face and things change after that.  I think this book's title is very funny. It is totally different from the story, so I think the author of this book is unique. I like this story because it is happy ending. Sophia and Mr Sit Down are very very cute..♡

What a Lottery!

  Rick finds his ticket. He looks at the numbers on his ticket and at the numbers on the television. He's got all the numbers!  'And the winner tonight gets eight million pounds!'  I'll introduce What a Lottery!, the book of CAMBRIDGE English Readers.  Rick loves music and wants to be a famous rock star in the future. He doesn't work and always plays the guitar or makes songs even though he has no money,but he buys some lottery, so his wife gets angry and leaves home. After that, he wins the lottery ans decides to meet his wife. But he takes on the taxi which a thief drives...  It is interesting book for me, but I feel that his wife is poorest in this story. What a lottery! 著者 : 発売日 : ブクログでレビューを見る»


 I read JOURNEY TO MARS in the Atama-ii Books series.  You are an astronaut on the first trip on Mars. A lot of danger things happen to you and I have various choices to complete them. The interesting thing about this book is that the ending changes depending on your choice. I believe you can make the best choice. Please read it! 英語 リーダーズ Atama-ii Books Journey to Mars 著者 : Paul Raine Atama-ii Books 発売日 : 2014 ブクログでレビューを見る»

The Red-headed League

Today I want to introduce about The Red-headed League.  One day, Mr. Watson visits his friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes who is a detective and hears a mysterious story. A man who has red hair joins the Red-headed league. The Red-headed league's job is introduced on the newspaper and only people who have red hair can join it. Workers in it can get a lot of money even though they do very simple and easy work. However, the man loses a job because suddenly the league break up! Then, he asks Holmes to find the crowd of the league. Something are happen until Holmes solve this case...  This book is difficult to understand for me. In our literature circle, we talked about the detective:)


 I read TITANIC in the series of USBORNE YOUNG READING.  In the 1900s, there were no passenger planes and people had to go by sea when they crossed a ocean. At that time, there were two rival companies and both carried mail and passengers between America and Europe. The TITANIC would sail for New York, USA from Southampton docks in England and people rushed to buy their tickets. It was called "unsinkable". A few late after the TITANIC sailed, the other ship hit the TITANIC. It wasn't serious problem, some passengers felt afraid and cancelled their booking on it. Two days later, a watchman found that there is a big iceberg ahead the TITANIC and first officer gave instructions to crews. However, instead of hitting the iceberg head-on, the side of ship hit the iceberg and sea water began to enter into the ship. Gradually, the TITANIC began to sink, and people tried to escape but unfortunately, there are only 20 lifeboats, so every passengers couldn't ride lifeboats. 

Jack and the Westbourne Fair

 Today, I'll introduce Jack and the Westbourne Fair in the series of HELBLING READERS. This is the last book our literature circle.  Jack gets into trouble at school and is always  scolded by his teachers and parents, so he is not a good student. He wishes he could escape from reality. However, in his life, there is the pleasure for him. It is the Westbourne Fair and it holds on a Tuesday night in April every year. It is Jack's most favorite moment of the year, better than Christmas, the school holidays, and his birthday. However, his parents don't allow him to go there because of his usual behavior at school. He decides to go there anyway and meets a boy in a similar situation. They experience and learn various things in  the fair.  I thought that Jack is a brave boy because I couldn't do like him if I were Jack. I often want to escape from the present situation, but it is difficult to put it into action. Level 2: Jack and the Westbourne Fair(Westbourne Kid