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4月, 2019の投稿を表示しています


 Today, I read HUNTER IN THE DARKNESS in the ATAMA-ii BOOKS series.  The main character in the book is a vampire hunter. His master Sayad taught him how to hunt vampires and the ways to kill them. He become a good hunter but one day, his muster is killed by a vampire! There is a red symbol of Aku on his master's arm. Aku is a very old and strong vampire. He went to all around the world to hunt and kill Aku. Can he find and kill Aku...?! 英語 リーダーズ Atama-ii Books Hunter in the Darkness 著者 : Ramy Habeeb Atama-ii Books 発売日 : 2014 ブクログでレビューを見る»