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7月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Robin Hood

Today, I will introduce Robin Hood in ELi Teen Readers series. Robin Hood is very famous person as a hero of the English Middle Ages. There are some stories about his adventures in this book, and I'll introduce the first story of it. Robin Hood lives as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest to help poor people in Nottingham. King Henry invents a new taxes to become richer, so he steals money from rich people and give the poor them with his Merry Men to try to help these people. Some day, he meets again his cousin, William Gamwell. Then, they go to Barnsdale to meet Will's family and the girl he loved, Maude. However, next morning, Will disappeared and has caught by soldier of the Sheriff. After Robin hears that, he starts to think the plan to help him. Can Robin help Will safety...?

The Expresso Project

"Great. Let's get going. We haven't got much time. We'll meet again tomorrow - same time, same place. And we'll call our plan... what?" "How about 'The Expresso Project'?" says Luigi.  Today, I'll introduce 'The Expresso Project'. One day, Gil, Sato, and Jodie are in a  big park in London. Sato is the best friend of Gil and Jodie is Gil's new girlfriend. After that, they go to The Hard Rock Cafe and  have some drinks. When they pay money, Gil finds that his wallet has been stolen. Sato remembers that Nic, a Russian friend of Gil is also in the park so Sato doubt  that Nic is a thief. But Gil doesn't think that. In the meanwhile, Jodie has a little brother and he is in a children's hospital because he is very well. She wants to help him. You may think that these two things have little to do with each other. However, actually, these are very closely related. Who is the thief and what is The Expresso Project? Pleas