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This is San Francisco

     Have you been to San Francicso? This town is on the west coast of the United States of America and  very famous city all over the world. This book is written about San Francisco from various views.
     First of all, we can learn about the history of San Francisco. In 16 century, Sanish explolers sailed north along western coast of North America. Then they found California. Many years later, Spanish soldiers found a beautiful bay and they and monks built the Mission of San Francisco de Asis there. In a word, California and San Francisco are Spanish name. In 19 century, gold was discovered in the hills near San Francisco. It was Gold Rush. After that, a lot of men came to the town from all over the world for gold. They were called 'Forty-Niners' and they looked for gold. Few years later, San Francisco became the financial center of the western United States, although it didn't have enough laws and it was wild city. Therefore a railroad was developed all the way from the eastern United States to San Francisco. 
     Like these, we can learn a lot of things which we don't know about San Farncisco. I was most interested in 3rd chapter, Things to See and Go. If you are interested in this town, you may discover new some appeal!



This week

This week, I went to Fukuoka to see my friends and stay friend's house! We did takoyaki party. It's very excited😆 We spoke all night. Next day, we went shopping at Tenjin  and ate Carry Doria. Two days at Fukuoka made me so happy:)

Australian Adventure

"I have a plan," Floppy said to the dingos. "I think I can get rid of your fleas. Today I read Australian Adventure, a stage 7 book in Oxford Reading Tree. Biff's dog Floppy doesn't like take a bath. Suddenly, he has an adventure and the magic key takes him to Australia. He meets four dog. Men who lives there don't like dogs because dogs have fleas. Can Floppy solve their problem? Oxford Reading Tree: Level 7: More Stories B: Australian Adventure 著者 : Roderick Hunt Oxford University Press, USA 発売日 : 2011-01-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

This Week

This week, I went to shopping and ate Korean food with my friend! I like Korean food so I was very happy😋 We go to Karakarasyokudou and ate samugyopusaru  and chijimi . I want everyone to go to eat Korean food.